Monday, November 15, 2010

Chi-Town Hustler Funny Car (the new one)

 This was a "quick" build, about 2 weeks altogether, which is lightning fast for me. I pretty much built this straight from the box with no major modifications, just some added detail. All the good things you hear about this kit are true. The fit on all the pieces is amazing, by far the best engineered kit I have built, Revell or otherwise. The only problem I had was on the hinges for the body. For some reason, the body would not clear the rear tire in the up position, so I had to modify the hinges. I haven`t heard of anyone else having this problem so I am assuming it was something I did wrong. The finished product us striking compared to my other models, and I`m not sure if it is the accuracy of the kit or the color scheme that puts it over the top.
For the body, I used krylon white primer, tamiya mica red, duplicolor red metalcast for the candy effect(need to be careful with this stuff!!), and about 5-7 coats of duplicolor clear. This combination gave it a deep candy apple red color, and I couldn`t be happier with it. I know it is not accurate to have it all rubbed out and polished like this, but I like it this way and I am unrepentant about it. :D The braided line is detail master .035" line. The parachute cables are cat 5 wires wrapped in masking tape and then painted silver.


Alberto Crespo Antonio Creus Larry Crockett Tony Crook Art Cross

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